Expression Languages
Below is the list of expression languages that are provided by Apache Camel.
Name | Description |
The Bean method language allows calling Java Bean methods for data manipulation. |
The Constant language is used to set constant values. |
TThe ExchangeProperty Expression Language allows you to extract values of named exchange properties. |
The File language is used to read data from a file. |
The Groovy language enables using Groovy expressions for data processing in routes. |
The Header language is used to access message headers. |
The HL7 Terser language is used for working with HL7-formatted messages. |
The JsonPath language is used for processing JSON data. |
The MVEL language is used for evaluating expressions based on MVEL. |
The OGNL (Object-Graph Navigation Language) language is used to access object properties. |
The Ref Expression Language is really just a way to lookup a custom Expression or Predicate from the Registry. |
The Simple language is used for processing simple expressions and value replacement. |
The SpEL (Spring Expression Language) language is used for evaluating expressions based on SpEL. |
Tokenize text payloads using the specified delimiter patterns. |
Tokenize XML payloads using the specified path expression. |
The XPath language is used for processing XML data using XPath expressions. |
The XQuery language is used for querying and processing XML data using XQuery expressions. |