Release Guide
This guide covers how to create and announce a Camel release.
To prepare or perform a release you must be at least an Apache Camel committer.
The artifacts for each and every release must be signed.
Your public key must be added to the KEYS file.
Your public key should also be cross-signed by other Apache committers (this can be done at key signing parties at ApacheCon for instance).
Make sure you have the correct maven configuration in
. -
Maven Wrapper is used and bundled with Camel 2.21 onwards and should be used for building the release.
You may want to get familiar with the release settings in the parent Apache POM.
Make sure you are using Java 1.8 for Apache Camel 2.18.0 and later.
Maven Setup
Before you deploy anything to the Apache Nexus repository using Maven, you should
configure your ~/.m2/settings.xml
file so that the file permissions of the deployed artifacts are group writable.
If you do not do this, other developers will not able to overwrite your SNAPSHOT releases with newer versions.
The settings follow the guidelines used by the Maven project. Please pay particular attention to the password encryption recommendations.
<settings> ... <servers> <!-- Per --> <!-- To publish a snapshot of some part of Maven --> <server> <id>apache.snapshots.https</id> <username> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP USERNAME --> </username> <password> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP PASSWORD --> </password> </server> <!-- To publish a website of some part of Maven --> <server> <id></id> <username> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP USERNAME --> </username> <filePermissions>664</filePermissions> <directoryPermissions>775</directoryPermissions> </server> <!-- To stage a release of some part of Maven --> <server> <id>apache.releases.https</id> <username> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP USERNAME --> </username> <password> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP PASSWORD --> </password> </server> <!-- To stage a website of some part of Maven --> <server> <id>stagingSite</id> <!-- must match hard-coded repository identifier in site:stage-deploy --> <username> <!-- YOUR APACHE LDAP USERNAME --> </username> <filePermissions>664</filePermissions> <directoryPermissions>775</directoryPermissions> </server> </servers> ... <profiles> <profile> <id>apache-release</id> <properties> <gpg.useagent>false</gpg.useagent> <gpg.passphrase><!-- YOUR GPG PASSPHRASE --></gpg.passphrase> <test>false</test> </properties> </profile> </profiles> ... </settings>
Creating the Release
Complete the following steps to create a new Camel release:
Grab the latest source from Git, checkout the target branch (
) to build from, and create a release branch off of that branch:$ git clone $ cd camel $ git checkout BRANCH_NAME $ git checkout -b release/NEW-VERSION
Perform a license check with Apache Rat:
./mvnw -e org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:check grep -e ' !?????' target/rat.txt
The latter command will provide a list of all files without valid license headers. Ideally this list is empty, otherwise fix the issues by adding valid license headers and rerun the above commands before proceeding with the next step.
Do a release dry run to check for problems:
./mvnw release:prepare -DdryRun -Prelease
The release plugin will prompt for a release version, an SCM tag and next release version.
Use a three digit release version of the form:
, e.g.3.0.0
. -
For the tag use a string of the form:
, e.g.camel-3.0.0
. -
For the next version increase the patch version and append
, e.g.3.0.1-SNAPSHOT
. -
Make sure to check the generated signature files:
$ gpg camel-core/target/camel-core-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.asc gpg: assuming signed data in `camel-core/target/camel-core-3.0.0.jar' gpg: Signature made Sat 06 Apr 2019 03:58:01 AM PDT using RSA key ID 5942C049 gpg: Good signature from "Gregor Zurowski <>"
Prepare the release:
First clean up the dry run results:
$ ./mvnw release:clean -Prelease
Next prepare the release:
$ ./mvnw release:prepare -Prelease
This command will create the tag and update all pom files with the given version number.
Perform the release and publish to the Apache staging repository:
$ ./mvnw release:perform -Prelease
Close the Apache staging repository:
Login to using your Apache LDAP credentials. Click on "Staging Repositories". Then select "org.apache.camel-xxx" in the list of repositories, where xxx represents your username and ip. Click "Close" on the tool bar above. This will close the repository from future deployments and make it available for others to view. If you are staging multiple releases together, skip this step until you have staged everything. Enter the name and version of the artifact being released in the "Description" field and then click "Close". This will make it easier to identify it later.
Verify staged artifacts:
If you click on your repository, a tree view will appear below. You can then browse the contents to ensure the artifacts are as you expect them. Pay particular attention to the existence of *.asc (signature) files. If you don’t like the content of the repository, right click your repository and choose "Drop". You can then rollback your release and repeat the process. Note the repository URL, you will need this in your vote email.
Creating the Release for camel-spring-boot
Complete the following steps to create a new Camel-spring-boot release:
Grab the latest source from Git and checkout the target branch (
) to build from:$ git clone $ cd camel $ git checkout BRANCH_NAME
From Camel 3.3.0 ahead, the camel-spring-boot project uses camel-dependencies as parent. You’ll need to set the version here To the version released from the main Camel repository as first step.
Perform a license check with Apache Rat:
./mvnw -e org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:check grep -e ' !?????' target/rat.txt
The latter command will provide a list of all files without valid license headers. Ideally this list is empty, otherwise fix the issues by adding valid license headers and rerun the above commands before proceeding with the next step.
You already have built the main camel repo for releasing, so you already have a final version in your local repository. Change the camel-version property in accordingly and commit.
Do a release dry run to check for problems:
./mvnw release:prepare -DdryRun -Prelease
The release plugin will prompt for a release version, an SCM tag and next release version.
Use a three digit release version of the form:
, e.g.3.0.0
. -
For the tag use a string of the form:
, e.g.camel-3.0.0
. -
For the next version increase the patch version and append
, e.g.3.0.1-SNAPSHOT
. -
Make sure to check the generated signature files:
$ gpg core/camel-spring-boot/target/camel-spring-boot-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.asc gpg: assuming signed data in `core/camel-spring-boot/target/camel-spring-boot-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar' gpg: Signature made Sat 06 Apr 2019 03:58:01 AM PDT using RSA key ID 5942C049 gpg: Good signature from "Gregor Zurowski <>"
Prepare the release:
First clean up the dry run results:
$ ./mvnw release:clean -Prelease
Next prepare the release:
$ ./mvnw release:prepare -Prelease
This command will create the tag and update all pom files with the given version number.
Perform the release and publish to the Apache staging repository:
$ ./mvnw release:perform -Prelease
Close the Apache staging repository:
Login to using your Apache LDAP credentials. Click on "Staging Repositories". Then select "org.apache.camel-xxx" in the list of repositories, where xxx represents your username and ip. Click "Close" on the tool bar above. This will close the repository from future deployments and make it available for others to view. If you are staging multiple releases together, skip this step until you have staged everything. Enter the name and version of the artifact being released in the "Description" field and then click "Close". This will make it easier to identify it later.
Verify staged artifacts:
If you click on your repository, a tree view will appear below. You can then browse the contents to ensure the artifacts are as you expect them. Pay particular attention to the existence of *.asc (signature) files. If the you don’t like the content of the repository, right click your repository and choose "Drop". You can then rollback your release and repeat the process. Note the repository URL, you will need this in your vote email.
Once the release has been voted
Login to using your Apache LDAP credentials. Click on "Staging Repositories". Then select "org.apache.camel-xxx" in the list of repositories, where xxx represents your username and ip. Click "Release" on the tool bar above. This will release the artifacts.
Creating the Release for camel-karaf
Complete the following steps to create a new Camel-karaf release:
Grab the latest source from Git and checkout the target branch (
) to build from:$ git clone $ cd camel $ git checkout BRANCH_NAME
From Camel 3.3.0 ahead, the camel-karaf project uses camel-dependencies as parent. You’ll need to set the version here To the version released from the main Camel repository as first step.
Perform a license check with Apache Rat:
./mvnw -e org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:check grep -e ' !?????' target/rat.txt
The latter command will provide a list of all files without valid license headers. Ideally this list is empty, otherwise fix the issues by adding valid license headers and rerun the above commands before proceeding with the next step.
You already have built the main camel repo for releasing, so you already have a final version in your local repository. Change the camel-version property in accordingly and commit.
Do a release dry run to check for problems:
./mvnw release:prepare -DdryRun -Prelease
The release plugin will prompt for a release version, an SCM tag and next release version.
Use a three digit release version of the form:
, e.g.3.0.0
. -
For the tag use a string of the form:
, e.g.camel-3.0.0
. -
For the next version increase the patch version and append
, e.g.3.0.1-SNAPSHOT
. -
Make sure to check the generated signature files:
$ gpg core/camel-core-osgi/target/camel-core-osgi-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.asc gpg: assuming signed data in `core/camel-core-osgi/target/camel-core-osgi-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar' gpg: Signature made Sat 06 Apr 2019 03:58:01 AM PDT using RSA key ID 5942C049 gpg: Good signature from "Gregor Zurowski <>"
Prepare the release:
First clean up the dry run results:
$ ./mvnw release:clean -Prelease
Next prepare the release:
$ ./mvnw release:prepare -Prelease
This command will create the tag and update all pom files with the given version number.
Perform the release and publish to the Apache staging repository:
$ ./mvnw release:perform -Prelease
Close the Apache staging repository:
Login to using your Apache LDAP credentials. Click on "Staging Repositories". Then select "org.apache.camel-xxx" in the list of repositories, where xxx represents your username and ip. Click "Close" on the tool bar above. This will close the repository from future deployments and make it available for others to view. If you are staging multiple releases together, skip this step until you have staged everything. Enter the name and version of the artifact being released in the "Description" field and then click "Close". This will make it easier to identify it later.
Verify staged artifacts:
If you click on your repository, a tree view will appear below. You can then browse the contents to ensure the artifacts are as you expect them. Pay particular attention to the existence of *.asc (signature) files. If the you don’t like the content of the repository, right click your repository and choose "Drop". You can then rollback your release and repeat the process. Note the repository URL, you will need this in your vote email.
Once the release has been voted
Login to using your Apache LDAP credentials. Click on "Staging Repositories". Then select "org.apache.camel-xxx" in the list of repositories, where xxx represents your username and ip. Click "Release" on the tool bar above. This will release the artifacts.
Publishing the Release
Once the release has been voted:
Login to using your Apache LDAP credentials. Click on "Staging Repositories". Then select "org.apache.camel-xxx" in the list of repositories, where xxx represents your username and IP. Click "Release" on the tool bar above. This will release the artifacts.
Perform a release in JIRA:
Release the version in JIRA:
Copy distribution to Apache website:
cd ${CAMEL_ROOT_DIR}/etc/scripts ./ <Camel version>
Remove the old distribution version from the Apache webstie:
svn rm -m "Removed the old release"
Upload the new schema files (and the manual):
cd ${CAMEL_ROOT_DIR}/etc/scripts ./ <Camel version>
Merge the release branch back into the corresponding base branch (e.g. merge
)git checkout BASE_BRANCH git pull git merge --no-ff release/VERSION git push
Delete the local and remote release branch:
git branch -D release/VERSION git push origin --delete release/VERSION
Publish xsd schemas
On the xsd related to blueprint,cxf,spring-security and spring must be pushed to make them available to end users.
The blueprint one are under the camel-karaf release